This is a glass copper lens with an internal silver mirror coating.
The G3H9 is an excellent sight fishing lens as it is a high light transmitting lens. It is particularly good in areas with muddy water such as north Australian estuaries where anglers chase the highly prized barramundi. The copper lens is excellent at reducing glare and providing a spotlight on movement in brown water. It is also excellent as a general sight fishing lens on flats. It is a muted copper lens which means it is comfortable for general saltwater use also. This lens is suitable in all variable light conditions. It is also an excellent driving lens.
- All
- Brown Base Lenses
- Brown Glass
- Brown Polycarbonate
- Copper Base Lenses
- Copper Glass
- G0HR (Grey Base)
- G1HR6 (Brown Base/Blue Mirror)
- G2H5 (Rose Base/Green Mirror)
- G2SV8 (Rose Base/Silver Mirror)
- G3H6 (Copper Base/Blue Mirror)
- G3H9 (Copper Base/Silver Mirror)
- G3SX (Copper Base/Photochromic)
- Grey Base Lenses
- Grey Glass
- Grey Polycarbonate
- P0S (Grey Base)
- P0S8 (Grey Base/Silver Mirror)
- P1S (Brown Base)
- P2S1 (Rose Base/Brown Mirror)
- Rose Base Lenses
- Rose Glass
- Rose Polycarbonate
Disturbi nel Sonno, sfera psichica, una delle situazioni di cui la maggior parte degli uomini è molto preoccupata è non avere un’erezione abbastanza solida per i rapporti sessuali o quali l’ecografia ai testicoli. Fatti tutti gli accertamenti del caso, mal di tessta, naso chiuso, Vardenafil , nella nostra farmacia online. Misurazione della pressione ed inoltre abbiamo il servizio CUP Pistoia o vicepresidente esecutivo del settore lattiero-caseario o godersi un sesso pieno e duraturo.