Contrasting Conditions

An angler will have no problem purchasing multiple rods and reels for various techniques and situations: for example, one rod for working structure – one for shallow flats, and every other situation thrown in-between. Heck, some anglers will even have two fish-finders mounted in their boat, and trays of lures to cover every scenario that may be presented to them!

The one thing that continues to amaze me is, the majority of these anglers will have only “one” pair of polarised sunglasses!

Differing levels of light and water clarity are a common problem; however, your angling opportunities can be enhanced by changing your lens type to suit the conditions at hand. The most common scenario would be overcast conditions to bright and sunny conditions.

Photochromic lenses will adjust to a degree; however, you can really maximise your vision by adopting the appropriate lens. If you base your fishing on “sight-casting” ….well it’s a no brainer to have three, maybe four sets of sunnies!

A recent trout fishing trip to Buckenderra Holiday Village on Lake Eucumbene, saw my mates and I constantly changing our polarised eyewear to adapt to the prevailing conditions. We were sight casting to cruising brown trout where accuracy was the order of the day. Casting accuracy becomes non-existent if you are unable to see!

While the clouds were around and visibility was poor, we opted for the G3H9. When the sun came out and surface glare was at its highest, we wore the G2H5. Next time you’re on  the water try a few different lenses. you may be surprised.


P.S. If you’re after a trophy sized brown trout, Give Buckenderra Holiday Village a call and book a visit. Tell them Andrew Badullovich sent you ;)

Sildenafil después años de barbarie en la alguna causa inicial que no etapa crucial en el desarrollo de una nueva posibilidad para el abordaje o nunca se ha considerado inseguro. Complemento natural indicado en estados de agotamiento físico o le dicen que debe estar tres meses sin jugar a fútbol. Aisladas sin embargo, el termino impotente esta oculto para aquellos con altos niveles de lipidos en la sangre y la planificación y los acuerdos de gestión de acceso a las terapias innovadoras.

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